Join us for London Cycling Campaign's Community Skills Summit for a day of exciting sessions that will bring your campaigning to the next level and provide an opportunity to meet with other campaigners.Saturday 5 April 2025, 9.30am-5pmLocation: University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS (Google Maps location here) Free to all, suggested donation to cover costs £15/£5 (concessions)If you are unable to make a donation you are still very welcome to attend the event: it’s important no one is excluded.Event details hereClick here to donatePlease register below. Your details First Name * Last Name * Email * Are you an LCC member? Yes No Who is your local authority? * - Select -Outside LondonBarkingBarnetBexleyBrentBromleyCamdenCity of LondonCroydonEalingEnfieldGreenwichHackneyHammersmithHaringeyHarrowHaveringHillingdonHounslowIslingtonKensington and ChelseaKingstonLambethLewishamMertonNewhamRedbridgeRichmondSouthwarkSuttonTower HamletsWaltham ForestWandsworthWestminster If you live outside of London, where do you live? Would you like to subscribe to receive emails about campaign news and actions including ways to support and donate to LCC? Yes, subscribe to LCC mailing list Yes, subscribe to my local LCC group's mailing list Next Page >