LCC Volunteer Registration Form

LCC want to make sure we are able to support our volunteers effectively. Part of this is knowing how many volunteers we have, what they do and that they can access the support and guidance needed to volunteer for LCC in safe environment. We will keep a record that you volunteer for us and in what capacity.  

Volunteers are any members of an LCC local group or network who regularly or semi-regularly engage with people in the community and /or help to run a local group or network.

LCC has a responsibility to serve all the people in London but we suspect certain groups are under-represented in the organisation. Your answers will help us assess the nature and extent of this issue so we can develop plans to address it.

We are collecting diversity data of LCC staff, trustees and our active volunteers membership so we can compare how diverse we are against London 2021 Census data. And then track how our activities to be more inclusive impact on the diversity of the organisation.

Your data is held securely and will not be made public. Only aggregated data will be reported . You do not have to answer any question you feel uncomfortable sharing with us – if this is the case then saying ‘prefer not to say’ is useful information for us.

LCC will not infringe your rights regarding personal data. You can read our Privacy Policy here. If you have any questions or feedback please get in touch with Stewart Dring, Operations Manager at


Your Details
Address Details